Knock, Knock!

Like any human, I fall off track sometimes when life becomes overwhelming and complicated; forgetting to seek Him and His amazing guidance only to grovel for His forgiveness in being absent to His presence. I am greatly rewarded by blessings of many different kind.

God does not forget me, or you, no matter what goes on or has happened in your life or the world. I hope these daily devotions can help others as much as they have helped me.

For anyone who may be reading this, please do not post comments (or try to) bashing myself or my religious beliefs. I am not out there seeking you out for your differences to try and debate them. I respect that everyone is different, everyone has different religions and beliefs and I completely respect them for that as they have that right. I have been down many different roads in my young life, and this is what I have chosen because I feel it with every beat of my heart. I just ask that it be respected.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

5 September

"I AM YOUR BEST FRIEND, as well as your King. Walk hand in hand with me through your life. Together we will face whatever each day brings: pleasures, hardships, adventures, disappointments. Nothing is wasted when it shared with me. I can bring beauty out of the ashes of lost dreams. I can glean Joy out of sorrow, Peace out of adversity. Only a friend who is also the King of kings could accomplish this divine alchemy. There is no other like Me!

The friendship I offer you is practical and down-to-earth, yet it is saturated with heavenly glory. Living in My Presence means living in two reals simultaneously: the visible world and unseen, eternal reality. I have equipped you to stay conscious of me while walking along dusty, earthbound paths."

John 15:23-15; Isaiah 61:3; 2 Corinthians 6:10

1 comment:

  1. Jesus Calling di Sarah Young 29 Settembre ( italian translation )
    Sono con te e tutto intorno a te, circondandoti di dorati raggi di Luce.
    Ti guardo sempre Faccia a faccia.
    Nessuno dei tuoi pensieri fugge alla Mia attenzione.
    Poiche' sono infinito, sono capace di amarti come se Io e te fossimo i soli esseri dell'universo.
    Avanza con Me in intimi passi d'Amore, ma non perdere di vista la Mia Maesta'.
    Desidero essere il tuo amico piu' vicino, benche' sia anche il tuo Signore sovrano .
    Ho creato il tuo cervello perche' mi riconoscesse simultaneamente come Amico e Signore.
    La mente umana e' la vetta della Mia creazione, ma cosi' pochi la usano per il suo scopo primario: conoscere Me.
    Comunico continuamente attraverso il Mio Spirito, la Mia Parola, e la Mia creazione.
    Soltanto gli umani sono capaci di riceverMi e rispondere alla Mia Presenza.
    Sei certamente fatto spaventosamente e meravigliosamente!

    Salmi 34:4-7
    2 Pietro 1:16-17
    Giovanni 17:3
    Salmi 139:14
