Knock, Knock!

Like any human, I fall off track sometimes when life becomes overwhelming and complicated; forgetting to seek Him and His amazing guidance only to grovel for His forgiveness in being absent to His presence. I am greatly rewarded by blessings of many different kind.

God does not forget me, or you, no matter what goes on or has happened in your life or the world. I hope these daily devotions can help others as much as they have helped me.

For anyone who may be reading this, please do not post comments (or try to) bashing myself or my religious beliefs. I am not out there seeking you out for your differences to try and debate them. I respect that everyone is different, everyone has different religions and beliefs and I completely respect them for that as they have that right. I have been down many different roads in my young life, and this is what I have chosen because I feel it with every beat of my heart. I just ask that it be respected.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Hello Everyone!!

I have to say, I am completely moved by all of the responses I have recently read that were awaiting moderation. Not many, but a good 18--and from complete strangers. I cannot begin to express how much it means to me to know that my feelings, thoughts, emotions, etc., helped others.

It has been about three years now since I last updated and wrote in this blog. My own fault, of course. I have let my life get in the way of sticking to my devotions.

I sincerely apologize to everyone who wanted to follow along when I randomly quit.

Just a large update: My heart had grown cold, distrusting, hurt, slightly depressed when my husband and I were struggling to conceive a child. One of my best friends struggling right along side me as well. If anyone has been in that place, you know the feeling well. I certainly felt like a failure for a good while. No amount of positivity or prayer helped to comfort and console me in that time. My relationship with The Lord also suffered, and I have been working on that relationship since.

My husband had another deployment and returned on Valentine's Day last year; how wonderful! We tried to conceive a few more months to no avail and I just gave up in March of 2013. I decided to focus on my marriage, my business that I started shortly after stopping this blog (I'm a photographer--specializing in horse shows, but also portraits; family, animal, senior, engagement, etc.), and training my horse. I made plans to attend our first Horse Trials in October of 2013. Then, on July 4, 2013.... I found out I was pregnant. I was so shocked, I didn't even cry, haha! In shock, all I could do was thank my Lord and Savior for this amazing blessing. And He blessed me further with having a pretty laid back pregnancy. My faith restored (I know, it shouldn't have taken that, shame on me), it was tested once more when my daughter made an early appearance into the world at 32 weeks, 6 days gestation. Almost 2 months early! I knew that Jesus was watching and taking care of her. I had NO worries. None. I knew that everything was completely out of my hands. She only had a 13 day stay in the NICU--needed no tubes, no machine to help her breathe or breathe for her; just an IV and breastmilk. She has been thriving and hitting all her milestones for her actual age vs. her "adjusted" (preemie) age.

                                                   She just turned 5 months the other day.

We have to remember: No matter what happens in our life, God has a plan. We may not always get what we want, when we want it... we are not on our own schedule or plan. We are on God's plan and it may be completely different than what we want, thought, or expect.

Every day I wake up and reminded of the beautiful Gift He gave me. Just when I had given up. He reminded me His time-table is completely different than my own. Forever He is teaching me patience.

I will do my best to keep updating this blog :) I'm surprised I was able to get all of this typed out before a certain little someone woke up from the short nap I hoped she would take.

To my followers reading this: THANK YOU. Your comments that have been in queue are what sparked my motivation to update and get back on the track. I really never thought anyone read this, haha!

I'm so happy to read that Sarah Young's book Jesus Calling has helped you as it has helped me. There are a few others like this she has written that I need to buy and can incorporate into this blog.

Again, thank you. God bless each and every one of you!


  1. What a beautiful testimony of faith challenged at what life sometimes brings onto us.

  2. Just came across your blog and wanted to say that reading about your journey has blessed me this morning! Congrats on the beautiful little girl and thank you for sharing. May God continue to draw you to Himself.

  3. I just commented on your mare not realizing it was a post from 2011. I just read your post from 2014. Your baby is beautiful. Blessings to your lovely family.
