Knock, Knock!

Like any human, I fall off track sometimes when life becomes overwhelming and complicated; forgetting to seek Him and His amazing guidance only to grovel for His forgiveness in being absent to His presence. I am greatly rewarded by blessings of many different kind.

God does not forget me, or you, no matter what goes on or has happened in your life or the world. I hope these daily devotions can help others as much as they have helped me.

For anyone who may be reading this, please do not post comments (or try to) bashing myself or my religious beliefs. I am not out there seeking you out for your differences to try and debate them. I respect that everyone is different, everyone has different religions and beliefs and I completely respect them for that as they have that right. I have been down many different roads in my young life, and this is what I have chosen because I feel it with every beat of my heart. I just ask that it be respected.

Monday, August 15, 2011

15 August

15 August

"I AM THE GOD OF ALL TIME and all that is. Seek Me not only in morning quietness but consistently throughout the day. Do not let unexpected problems distract you from My Presence. Instead, talk with me about everything and watch confidently to see what I will do.

Adversity need not interrupt your communion with Me. When things go "wrong," you tend to react as if you're being punished. Instead of this negative response, try to view difficulties as blessings in disguise. Make Me your Refuge by pouring out your heart to Me, trusting in Me at all times.

Psalm 55:17; Psalm 32:6; Psalm 62:8


While I haven't had many things going "wrong" lately, I sure have pulled back in talking with Him... pretty much at all lately. I don't know why. I haven't gotten busier or pre-occupied with anything. Hubby is leaving soon for his deployment and maybe that's subconsciously blocking me and I haven't realized it or something... I'm not sure. But today's devotional was a little "wake-up" call to me. HELLO RENEE! JESUS CALLING HERE... TALK TO ME AGAIN. K'THANKS! I used to be good at inviting Him in and talking with Him about everything. It just seems within the last week or so... I have fallen off of the tracks. This was His nudge to get me back on track. Thank you Lord, for showing me my weakness and giving me the opportunity to apologize to you for not including you in my daily life and activities. I ask your forgiveness and Thank you for still being here to support me, no matter what. Amen.

I have to make sure that I keep "our" time together--which is mostly early morning quietness and the bedtime quietness. I've been struggling with that. It seems when I make more of an effort to do so in the mornings and afternoons, keeping Him in conversation during the day just comes more naturally and free-flowing. Good to keep in mind.

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