Knock, Knock!

Like any human, I fall off track sometimes when life becomes overwhelming and complicated; forgetting to seek Him and His amazing guidance only to grovel for His forgiveness in being absent to His presence. I am greatly rewarded by blessings of many different kind.

God does not forget me, or you, no matter what goes on or has happened in your life or the world. I hope these daily devotions can help others as much as they have helped me.

For anyone who may be reading this, please do not post comments (or try to) bashing myself or my religious beliefs. I am not out there seeking you out for your differences to try and debate them. I respect that everyone is different, everyone has different religions and beliefs and I completely respect them for that as they have that right. I have been down many different roads in my young life, and this is what I have chosen because I feel it with every beat of my heart. I just ask that it be respected.

Monday, July 4, 2011

July 4

July 4

"WHEN YOU WORSHIP ME in spirit and in truth, you join with the choirs of angels who are continually before My throne. Though you cannot hear their voices, your praise and thanksgiving are distinctly audible in heaven. Your petitions are also heard, but it is your gratitude that clears the way to My Heart. With the way between us wide open, My blessings fall upon you in rich abundance. The greatest blessing is nearness to Me--abundant Joy and Peace in My presence. Practice praising and thanking Me continually throughout this day."

John 4:23;-24; Psalm 100:4

Every 4th of July, we (Americans) have so much to be thankful for. And not thankful for ourselves but thankful to Him to have given us all that He has. He has blessed our nation in many ways, even though there is much to be worked on (that part is on us). He has given us the tools and the knowledge to help one another, to build a strong nation that will care for it's people, but we must pray for the guidance to do so, give Thanks to Him for the blessings, in order to one-day be peaceful. He watches over and protects our soldiers who have chosen to fight for our nation, He knows who will not survive or return home and welcomes them into Heaven with open and loving, caring arms. He blesses the families of the soldiers who do return home; He also blesses the families of those who do not--while the loss of life is extremely tragic, it was done in selfless-ness; it is a blessing to have such brave and honorable people in our lives.

We should be Thanking Him every day, for everything, from the most seemingly insignificant to the most obvious. While I jump when I hear thunder rolling that sets off car alarms in the middle of the night, I Thank Him for the blessing of rain. Living in the extremely dry and hot desert, we must be grateful for that little bit of precipitation. The beauty of the lighting striking in the distance, is all His doing; He is giving us a show of the amazing beauty He has created. Thank Him for sharing it with you. Praise His work of art and be thankful You were chosen to have it shared with.The sunsets and sunrises, the pitter patter of running feet, the joy in the laughter over-heard or coming from your own mouth, for the love shared between you, your family, your friends, your pets, and the kindness showed to you by complete strangers. Remember to Thank Him for the blessings and praise Him for how amazing the blessings are.

Thunder & Lightening Storm 7/3/2011

When your life is spiraling down, release the worries into His hands--He will take care of them. Remember to Thank Him for the positives, for listening to you, for comforting, and for Him letting you be in His awesome presence. He will lift you up and shine His blessings upon you; but, also remember to bless others with the blessings that have been bestowed upon you.
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¸.¤·º°´¯ ♥ ¯`°º·¤. ♥♥~GOD BLESS AMERICA~♥♥¸.¤·º°´¯ ♥ ¯`°º·¤. ¸ ¤ ¯`°º·
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